A little bit of La Centerentola for Littler Kids! Cyndie's HiArt! Dandini Collage Project

A little bit of La Centerentola for Littler Kids!
Cyndie's HiArt! Dandini Collage Project

By Cyndie Bellen-Berthézène

By Cyndie Bellen-Berthézène

The first video for younger kids (and older kids too, of course!) on our new Opera 'N Art channel.

La Cenerentola is the opera we've been learning at TimeIn since November and Dandini, who you'll meet here is pretty much all of the kids' favorite character.

This lesson can be done as a grown-up + me lesson for kids as young as 2 or 2.5 (that's the age we start at in Time In). And, at TimeIn, we do this kind of mixed-media Opera 'N Art lesson with kids through 2nd grade.

But any age people can do it - as you can see, I'm quite grown up and I had a blast!

A little bit of La Centerentola for Littler Kids! Cyndie's HiArt! Dandini Collage Project

Opera 'N ArtNáyade